Mexicana Nirvana
Mexican Fine/Folk Art and Chicano/a Art
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Vintage Tlaquepaque black bowl 8 5/8" diam.
Vintage Tlaquepaque 3-pc. tea, creamer, sugar set
Large black Tlaquepaque platter with inserts 14" diam.
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Large woman with fish sculpture by TEODORA BLANCO 19" tall
XL vintage black Tlaquepaque charger 16 5/8" diam.
Day of Dead Catrina couple by DEMETRIO GARCIA AGUILAR
Large vintage black Tlaquepaque charger 14" diam.
XL vintage black charger with donkey 17" diam.
Large mermaid sculpture by AGUILAR family 16 1/2" tall
Vintage Tlaquepaque lidded casserole 10 1/2" wide
XL 16" diam. shallow petatillo bowl by JOSE BERNABE
Loteria watercolor by FERNANDO OLIVERA (Oaxaca)
Vintage family sculpture attrib to HERON MARTINEZ MENDOZA
XL vintage incised and inlaid Uruapan batea 29 1/8"
Large vintage Tlaquepaque black charger 14" diam.